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Get to Know the Team

Meet the team who have leadership responsibility and
set the vision of Sovereign Grace Church of Tucson.


Derek Overstreet |

Senior Pastor

Derek grew up in the NW corner of Washington. After graduating from Pastors College of Sovereign Grace Churches in 2004, he joined the pastoral team in 2005. His primary responsibilities are preaching, leading the pastoral team, and equipping new leaders. If Derek is not enjoying his wife Donna, three children, and five grandchildren, he enjoys the open road on a motorcycle.


Tom Wilkins |

Associate Pastor

Tom has served in pastoral ministry since 2000, and currently serves as a full-time pastor for Sovereign Grace Church of Tucson, providing relief preaching, teaching, pastoral care and counseling, overseeing various Sunday morning Teams, and facilities. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Lisa, and simply cannot believe it. They have three married children and six grandchildren and counting. He is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys Football team. Lisa is not. But they are both avid Duke University Men’s Basketball fans.


Tim Lambros |

Associate Pastor

Tim and Kathy with the help of a few other families planted the Church in early 2000. They’ve been married 41 years, have 4 adult children and 14 grandchildren. Tim is currently a bi-vocational Pastor working as a Fiduciary Advisor and supporting the Pastoral team primarily in outreach and evangelism. He loves to take fellow Pastors and friends fly fishng or golfing!

We Don't Do This Alone

Our deacons are instrumental in carrying out the mission and values of our church.

Scott McLeod


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Read Our Beliefs

What we believe about the Bible instructs everything that we value.

How to Get Connected

Discover the ways you can connect and grow here at SGC of Tucson.

Plan Your Visit

Take the next step by learning what you can expect on a Sunday morning.

Join us on Sunday, November 17, at 10 am for church, followed by a free BBQ lunch with fun, games, prizes, and activities for the whole family.